Please pray with us for those who are still suffering from the Noto Peninsula earthquake!

作曲家・宮ア 道(Peter Michi Miyazaki, not “Miyazaki Road”)のオフィシャル・サイトへようこそ。映画や舞台の音楽をはじめとして、管弦楽曲、歌曲、教会音楽、ロック、シンセサイザー・ミュージックなど、沢山の音楽的要素が詰まっている、彼の「ポケットの中」をご紹介します


彼は独立独歩のアーティストです。もし宮ア 道の音楽がお気に召しましたら是非、活動のための支援をお願いします。それはリリースされる作品を聞いて頂くこと、そしてファンとして彼と繋がりながら「宮ア 道」の音楽を口コミで世に広めていくことです。皆さんの協力が必要です。どうか宜しくお願い致します。


Ongaku-no Miyazaki

Welcome to this site. Peter Michi Miyazaki(1968-) is a Japanese composer, multi-instrumental player. Since his pocket is always filled with passion and love for music, You can see his arts in movies, theater, orchestral works, songs, church music (Anglican Church of Japan), rock music and synthesizer music etc, we introduce him to you.

This site's established in 2015 to support and record his musical activities. Of course, it also serves his profile.

He is a completely independent artist. If you like his music, please support his work. Please listen to and enjoy his work. And please spread his music all over the world through SNS. We also encourage you to become his fan. We appreciate your cooperation.

Thanks for visiting.

And there is a page of Facebook.


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